
Why Sexual Dysfunction Must Not Ruin Your Relationship

Fildena CT 100

There is absolutely no doubt that you have likely seen numerous commercials promoting different ways for men for improving their sexual function and desire including Fildena CT 100 medicine. In case, you take such ads at face value, you might be tempted for thinking that only one gender that all matters when it comes to lovemaking session. The medicine Fildena CT 100 works best when consumed in presence of complete sexual arousal.

However, the doctor says that sexual dysfunction is a couples’ condition and in order for improving sexual wellness, both men and women must be treated with this condition. However, the medicine Fildena CT 100 is only for men that have to be chewed for treating impotence issue in men.

Many of the studies have revealed that sexual activity significantly enhances the quality of the relationship. However, over 40% of men that are over 40 years old might be suffering from sexual dysfunction in men. Forty percent of women over the age of 50 shall be having some form of sexual dysfunction as well, so it is believed in focusing on the couple rather than only one partner.

Types of sexual dysfunction

It is said that in case a woman’s sex drive is well improved, it shall likely enhance the male partner’s quality of the penile erection and vice a versa. Some of the common types of sexual dysfunction among men are erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory disorders, and Peyronie’s issues.

Health might be concern about impotence or erectile dysfunction usually go far beyond the quality of lovemaking session. Several risk factors for impotence or erectile dysfunction are also risk factors for heart disease and the stroke where Fildena CT 100 might work well for ED.

15% of impotent men with erectile dysfunction or impotence might have an enhanced risk of experiencing a heart attack within the next seven years. Erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular condition share some of the common risk factors including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Four most common types of sexual dysfunction in women include lowered libido, lowered sexual arousal, orgasmic disorder, and painful lovemaking session. There are several factors that can lower a woman’s libido, including stress, fatigue, and overall health.

How Treatments Can Help

When it all comes to sexual dysfunction, a variety of treatments including Fildena CT 100 might be all involved ranging from medication right to the sex therapy.

The first thing one might do is identify reversible causes. For men, it is highly recommended that lifestyle modifications check hormones and conduct diagnostic testing like a penile ultrasound in certain patients. Once it is known as to what the cause of impotence is, the doctor shall help you to consume Fildena CT 100 medication.

Some impotent men also believe that there are no treatment options and they might have to live with such issues for the rest of their lives, but that is definitely not true. Once patients might know that treatment options are all available and there are several physicians that are able to give them a chance for becoming intimate again, they are much open to treatment.

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